Saturday, 23 January 2016

21 Things You Miss For Not Having Sex Before Marriage.

A lot of people might have told you that you miss a lot for not having sex, the answer is a capital "YES". You miss a lot and would continue missing them.

1. You miss contracting HIV
2. You miss unwanted pregnancy
3. You miss being an unwanted teen mother or father
4. You miss having sexually transmitted yokes and bondage
5. You miss having an unwanted child
6. You miss being a school dropout
7. You miss having a broken home
8. You miss making God and your parents sad and disappointed
9. You miss barrenness due to abortions
10. You miss having destroyed your career prospects
11. You miss risking cervical cancer
12. You miss getting worried because you may get pregnant after sex
13. You miss being "used" and dumped
14. You miss being depressed all the time
15. You miss throwing your virginity in the mud
16. You miss getting serious broken heart
17. You miss fornication
18. You miss punishment of the grave
19. You miss weakening your veins at an early stage
20. You miss selling your dignity in just 5mins for a useless pleasure and finally,
21. You miss being thrown into hell fire.

Have you seen that you really miss a lot by not having sex?
My real G's out there and God's finest babes, i tell people you can have swag and still be a good christian.
Your life is worth more than 5minutes enjoyment that can destroy your life in the present and future.
Preserve your body not just for your future husband or wife but for Christ sake.
It's Rewardable!!!

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