Successful people don’t spend time answering opposition and critics. They are just too busy succeeding and creating the next success story

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

DELSUU Pre-Degree Exam: Important Guideline On Accomodation

Your exams are around the corner and you'll definitely be checking this site and other Delsu-related sites for info but please beware of scammers! The latest scam now is to offer free Accommodation for the exams! # My dear, run from such! I'm not saying you can't get free Accommodation but the chances of finding one of repute is very low. You as a girl cannot take the risk of staying in a room with 5-7 boys just because of an exam you might not get to write the next morning. # So think! You as a boy could be lured into the Harem of cultists and criminals because of exams. # Use your head! True there are free Accommodations out there but before you accept one, please go through these steps I outlined here: 1. They must be "nice people". 2. They must have an affiliation with a Campus Fellowship. 3. They must have separate hostels or separate rooms for boys and girls. 4.They should be reliable. 5.They should be able and ready to help with Prayers and also Past Questions. Once you're sure about all these, you can be sure of your safety. The Pre-Degree Exam comes up on the 28th. If you have any other problem or enquiries, Can always get back to usby commenting below.

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