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Saturday, 12 July 2014

10 Uncommon Phobias People Have

Phobia is simply the irrational fear an individual express towards certain things. This high and prolong fear is regarded as a mental disorder in
clinical psychiatry. Besides the commonly know phobias like fear of animals, insect, water, height,
confinement etc, there are some strange ones which could be considered funny but people actually have them.

1. GLOBOPHOBIA: The fear of balloons popping.

2. OMBROPHOBIA: The fear of Rain.

3. POGONOPHOBIA: The fear of beards.

4. ERGOPHOBIA: The fear of work.

5. EMETOPHOBIA: The fear of vomiting.

6. ARACHIBUTYROPHOBIA: The fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.

7. TRISKAIDEKAPHOBIA: The fear of the number 13.

8. NOMOPHOBIA: The fear of being out of mobile phone contact.

9. EOSOPHOBIA: The fear of daylight.


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